Jack Baty - the archives

Years of jackbaty.com - archived


My GRD has had a broken LCD for months. I’ve been putting off the expensive repair on the off chance that Ricoh would release an updated version of this great little camera. Well, they just did.


Why am I going to immediately spend $700 a GRD II?

  • Under 4-second RAW write times with a buffer (vs 11 seconds on the GRD)

  • Flash compensation

  • 1:1 shooting, and available in RAW

  • Noise Reduction ON/OFF switch!

  • AE lock

And it’s still gorgeous! More at the Ricoh site.

Update: Tony Rose at PopFlash is taking $200 deposits on first order shipments. He’s got my money already.


I’ve been using OmniFocus for a while as my GTD weapon of choice and it’s a lovely app. As a matter of fact it is too much of a lovely app. OmniFocus is one of those things that makes it fun to tweak and play endlessly. That there’s the problem; I’m guilty of playing with the system rather than using it. Again.

Enter Hog Bay Software’s TaskPaper.


This thing is basically a formatting engine/UI wrapped around simple text files. It’s so simple that it actually stands a chance of helping me Get Things Done rather than Puttering With My GTD App. See here…


Easy eh? I just paid the paltry $18.95 registration fee. If you are like me and use GTD as an excuse to not GTD, try TaskPaper. Sometimes simpler is better.

Ruby Stuff in Leopard

So the following is a list of gems included with Leopard - by default.

actionmailer (1.3.3)

actionpack (1.13.3)

actionwebservice (1.2.3)

activerecord (1.15.3)

activesupport (1.4.2)

acts_as_ferret (0.4.1)

capistrano (2.0.0)

cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.2)

daemons (1.0.7)

dnssd (0.6.0)

fastthread (1.0)

fcgi (0.8.7)

ferret (0.11.4)

gem_plugin (0.2.2)

highline (1.2.9)

hpricot (0.6)

libxml-ruby (

mongrel (1.0.1)

needle (1.3.0)

net-sftp (1.1.0)

net-ssh (1.1.2)

rails (1.2.3)

rake (0.7.3)

RedCloth (3.0.4)

ruby-openid (1.1.4)

ruby-yadis (0.3.4)

rubynode (0.1.3)

sources (0.0.1)

sqlite3-ruby (1.2.1)

termios (0.9.4)

Rails, ferret, capistrano, pretty cool.

[Above list lifted from MacOSforge]

Gmail Gets IMAP!


gmail gets IMAP

This means a number of things, not the least of which is that I can try the new Mail App on Friday without fear of liking it.

Oh, and mail could just be usable now on the iPhone. This is just huge for me.

Do One Thing First

I’ve been trying out a new rule lately. It goes like this…

Pick one thing from your list to get done each day and do it before you check your email.

Sure, it’s not going to save the world, or your GTD process, but it sure has been working for me. I try to pick something that I’m likely to procrastinate the minute my email inbox has something more “important” in it. Gets it out of the way before I have time to rationalize not doing it. Effective so far.

Leica Prototype on eBay

This Leica M3 Prototype (number 16) is being sold on eBay. Current bid, $71,000. That’s a little steep, but the M3 is still one of the most beautifully engineered objects of any kind.