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Shutting Down My Porno Site | Pat Dryburgh

Pat Dryburgh On shutting down Simple Desks.

But, it was bullshit. It was such bullshit. We were creating this completely unrealistic ideal that no one should have to live up to.

Who has the most minimal desk setup?

The real question is, who gives a fuck?

Do you feel a change in the air? Has minimalism pendulum reached the end of its arc and begun falling? Honestly, I enjoyed the Simple Desks site. But he’s right that it’s really just more productivity porn. Much like real porn, too much of it tends to make one’s expectations diverge significantly from reality. I’d see a desk setup on his site and would suddenly hate my entire house or office. It also made me want to buy more things so I could appear to have less of them. That’s just weird.

Here’s a shot of my home office desk as it looked 10 minutes ago…

Home Office Desk

Close enough.