Jack Baty - the archives

Years of jackbaty.com - archived


Once I decided to reel things in and continue posting primarily to this site, I started looking at backup options. Of course I can always back everything up manually, but who wants to deal with that? Instead I thought I’d try VaultPress by Automattic, the folks who make WordPress.

VaultPress is a paid service at $15/month for the Basic plan and still in beta. Setting up VaultPress could not have been easier. A simple plugin install, authenticate with Wordpress.com and it was off an running. Everything is backed up continuously - database, uploads, plugins, everything.

VaultPress 1

Certainly worth considering if your site’s content is important to you. For my little site it’s overkill, but it sure works well and that feels good.

See? Here’s a snapshot of the VaultPress activity log immediately after first posting this… VaultPress