My mom is going to have a conniption when she sees what I’ve just done to my living room. She has very specific ideas about what a living room should be. There should be a television (large as will reasonably fit) with accompanying entertainment center in a prominent position. A sofa with either a love seat or side chair organized around a nice coffee table would be good. Put a big mirror on one wall and scatter enough knick knacks about so that nothing looks “empty.”
That’s not what I’ve done.
For starters, there’s no longer a television. That’s right, I’m now officially one of those people. In its place I put my turntable. The reduction in cabling is astonishing.
At the other end of the room I added a simple writing desk and chair. Again, almost no cables.
I’d prefer a nicer chair and some sort of interesting lamp, but this’ll work. Who knows, I may hate the whole idea in a week, but for now I have nice, minimal place to write or draw and listen to music. And now there’s no chance I’ll “accidentally” just sit and watch T.V. all night.
And for reading, there’s the recliner. I think I’m all set.
Who knows, maybe my mom will grow to like it. Eventually.