I keep falling for the MacBook Air. The first version was the most sexy computer I’d ever seen. Many people, me included, quickly convinced ourselves that we could get work done just fine with it. We couldn’t. It was slow, hot, noisy, and not really capable of anything remotely taxing. The hard drive was a pig, and whenever the processor had to break a sweat, it would overheat and one of the cores would shut down. That was fun. And only $1,799. At least I was clever enough to opt out of the 64GB SSD option for $999. An additional $999!
Then there was the second model. This one came with a little faster processer, a little better video, and double the SSD storage for half the extra cost. That should be perfect, right? Sold the 1st gen and bought a new 2nd gen, with the SSD this time, for around $2,499 if I recall (and I’m trying not to.) Not a terrible machine, and the core shutdown was no longer an issue. Performance was fine. Not great, just fine. It was a suitable machine, but the video speed and resolution, single USB port and general sluggishness kept me from remaining in love with it. Although a friend is still using it and it suits her just fine.
Along came the iPad. A tiny, almost “real” computer in a slick touch-me-now form factor. This was what I wanted for meetings and quick note taking. It would be perfect to just grab and go, without having to lug around the MacBook Pro. I bought a stylus, wireless keyboard and every iPad note taking app known to man. You know what? The iPad sucks for taking notes. Yes, I know you can take notes. Some people might even enjoy it. I find the iPad terrible for actually getting stuff done. Okay fine, but it should be great for taking to bed or the coffee shop and doing some light emailing, browsing, reading, right? Right, but it seems that every single time it’s just me and the iPad I find some reason to wish I had a real computer, because everything is easier with a real computer. I love the iPad, but it’s not a computer I can use in anger, which is what I usually want.
Enter the new 11-inch MacBook Air. At 11 inches it’s not substantially bigger than an iPad. This version has a much better video processor, resolution to match a normal laptop, and a size that’s just adorable. For the price of a 64GB SSD drive option in the first generation Air, you can now get a whole computer. A whole real computer. I opted for the $1,199 128GB model, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the 64GB would have been enough.
It’s only been a few days, but I think it’s safe to say the the third time is indeed the charm. What a terrific machine. It’s not replacing the desktop iMac or MacBook Pro, but it’s coming damn close to replacing the iPad. The new Air’s size and form factor makes it easily as portable as the iPad. Really, I can just grab it and throw it under my arm like a magazine. That’s very important for how I plan to use it. It fits in the front pocket of my daily bag, same as the iPad. And don’t underestimate the value of “instant on.” Open the lid and it’s already ready to go. Even a cold boot takes maybe 20 seconds. So useful.
I think Apple is going to sell a lot of these.