Tinderbox is driving me nuts. Try as I might I just can’t seem to get rid of it.
Why would I want to get rid of it? Well…
It’s kind of ugly and looks like an unfinished Carbon app.
It’s hard to learn.
Getting data out of it is supposed to be easy, but isn’t.
The website is really, really unattractive and difficult to navigate.
Mr. Bernstein is, in my opinion, wasting time making a Windows version instead of making it a great Mac (Cocoa) app.
There are no user forums, only a wiki which sucks as a communication tool. This limits the user community.
I hate to admit how many times I’ve thrown up my hands and decided to move everything to VoodooPad, Notebook, Journler, OmniOutliner, Curio, or any number of other sexy Cocoa-licious note-taking apps that come along.
And yet I always end up back in Tinderbox. Because…
It never, ever crashes.
It doesn’t use much RAM or CPU
It’s a killer outliner, better than the rest
The Map view works very well as a Mind/Concept mapping tool
Search is instantaneous
Agents and Prototypes and clones make it completely powerful
It can do anything if you need it to, but stays out of your way when you don’t.
So it looks like I’m not leaving Tinderbox just yet, but I do have a couple of wishes…
Please use forums instead of a wiki for community communication. I promise everyone will be happier.
A better, no configuration necessary export. Make it work like VoodooPad or Notebook and don’t make me think about it if I don’t want to.
Just a little UI work would go a long way. The map view needs some lovin’ and some drop shadows ala OmniGraffle.
How about an easy-to-apply Strikethrough font option.
It would be acceptible to not use Tinderbox to manage the Tinderbox web site if that meant it could get a much-needed design overhaul. There are cheap, crappy products that have significantly better web sites and that’s just wrong.
Any improvement in OS (Mac OS that is) integration would be nice.
Screw the Windows version
That’s it. I love Tinderbox.