Sorry to bother y’all again, but I’d appreciate it if you would stop listing trackbacks at the end of every blog post. In many cases, the most interesting parts a post are found in the comments, but wading through the trackbacks is as annoying, and usually less useful, as wading through a half-dozen Google ads. On this site it would go something like this…
I say “foo” in a post and it is well-written and terribly interesting…
Then come the trackbacks….
Hey, Jack said “Foo” (link to someone’s site here)…
Guess what, Jack said “foo” again (link to another someone’s site here)…
“Foo” seems popular, as Jack mentions in his weblog (yet another link here)…
And so on for about 3 screens. Any valuable commentary regarding a given post will show up in the “sphere” on its own. And besides, you don’t need to show me links to your article. Since I just read it, I’ve likely already found it. There are, I suppose, arguments that these links are helpful in some way, but usually it’s simply the circle-jerk vanity fest we bloggers love so much.