My GTD implementation wouldn’t be complete without something to capture all those little to-do items on. I was trying to use a mini Moleskine for that but the thing is just so nice that I can’t stand the thought of writing “throwaway” stuff in there. And there’s no way I’m tearing any of the pages out. My solution to this was to use a scaled back version of the Hipster PDA by slipping a dozen or so 3×5 index cards under the elastic band. This way I can jot down a quick note or reminder on the top card and slip it in the back of the Moleskine for retrieval later. The upside is that the pages of the Moleskine are then still available for “important” and more permanent things, like… uh…, well I’m sure I’ll think of something. Mine looks like this…
That is indeed a Fisher Space Pen there on top of it.