UPDATE Jan 2006 I’ve ignored this plugin since moving my blog to Wordpress, then Typo, then ExpressionEngine. I’m at least temporarily back to Textpattern, so I may finish it someday.
UPDATE April 2006 I’m back to Wordpress. Let’s just forget the whole thing, eh?
I’ve finished the first version of the Textpattern plugin for displaying photos from flickr. It’s called Gallry (yep, the missing “e” can get old after a while, but there you have it).
It will only run under PHP 5, and that’s a problem for many, but I started this whole thing as an excuse to play with the SimpleXML extension in PHP 5 and with the Flickr API.
Anyhoo, you’re welcome to try it yourself:
As another test, here are the images tagged with “jess”, which will link directly to the image page on Flickr…