Happy Thanksgiving all!
Without sounding too corny, I’d like to thank…
Jessica, my daughter, and greatest challenge.
My work and business partners. I couldn’t ask for better.
Parents who do much more for me than I deserve.
A few close, trusted friends.
The resolve of a great country.
Oh, and can I mention a few little things…
Single-malt scotch. A short glass at night - yum.
Candles. Vanilla, burned evenings while I work.
Movies. Discovering some obscure little film is the best.
CD Burners, Limewire, and MP3s
amazon.com. For helping me live beyond my means.
eBay. See amazon.com
FreeBSD. Opened up a whole new set of possibilities.
Funny people. I’m lucky to be near a few.
Starr Puffs. One after another after another.